Blogger Templates

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Web Application

From this learning outcome, I have learnt many new things and detailed concepts about World Wide Web and its application. In this week, our lecturer gave briefed knowledge about web Application. First of all, she reminds us about the previous lecture which was about internet and World Wide Web.
Actually, web and internet are not same because web is the collection of documents and it is the service of internet. Internet is the largest network in the world that connects people and organization all over the world. It’s a big collection of computers but World Wide Web is a big collection of HTML pages on the internet.

Sometime we are using internet but we may not be using World Wide Web. When we are using the world wide web ,we are always using the internet.
Web application may display, create, manage images, audio, video and data which can be stored and retrieved from the server. Web browsers are software that allows users to retrieve data and interact with content located web pages within a website. For example,
1.     Internet Explore
2.     Netscape
3.     Mozilla Firefox
4.     Safari
5.     Opera 
After getting the ideas and concepts about worldwide wed, I didn’t know how the World Wide Web works? Our lecturer started to explain about it. Client side scripting and server side scripting combine together to work for web application.
We also learnt about two types of web,
1.     Static web
2.     Dynamic web

Static web is a “read only web” that allows people to search for information and it can be updated by someone with a knowledge of website development. For example
1.     Educational website
2.     Company website
 Dynamic web is a web interaction between people and software. This kind

of website has ability for clients or users to upload documents and add information. For example
1.     Content management system site
2.     E-commerce system website
3.     Discussion board website

There are three generations of web,
1.     Web 1.0
2.     Web 2.0
3.     Web 3.0 
 1st generation of web-1.0
It’s a static website and information displayed on web pages. We can’t edit and it’s hyperlinking of the web-pages and bookmarking were two of the most important aspects of web 1.0.
For example, informational websites, educational websites and company websites.
2nd generation of web-2.0
It’s a dynamic website and advanced internet technology and applications. It provides external ability of editing. User can extend, undo, redo each other’s work such as blogs and comments displayed shared and managed.
3rd generation of web-3.0

Its semantic web based on intelligence web application using machine based learning and reasoning and intelligence applications. For example
Decisions support system, expert support system.
Web 2.0 has two categories as fallows,
1.     Online social networking
Mashups and Aggregator
 Social sites have online functions for the internet user. For example My space, Facebook, friend finder, and

Mashups is collecting things together. It includes data aggregator, video aggregator, social network aggregator, and news aggregator.
We also learnt about the technologies and applications of web 2.0.
XML and AJAX are technologies and blogs, wikis, RSS (really simple syndication) and Pod video casting are applications.

XML (Extensive Markup Language) and AJAX (Asynchronous Java script and XML) are programing language used in web applications.

Our lecturer also told us about the two types of programing languages
1.     Low level language (machine dependent language, 1st generation of programing language, 2nd generation of programing language)
2.     High level language (3rd generation of PL,4th generation of PL and 5th generation of PL)

Machine language is in the 1st generation of PL, Assembly language in 2nd generation, FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, C++ are in 3rd generation,4GLS languages like Visual Basic and Visual Age are in fourth generation, Prolong, AJAX, JAVA Script are in 5th language generation.
Tagging is a metadata and it’s a part of web 2.0.
Blog is an informal site for article, diary or journal.
Wiki is a collaborative website that allows users to create, add, modify or delete websites content with web browser

RSS ( really simple syndication) is a technology that is being used by web users around the world like a Google reader and blog lines
   Podcasting and video casting is a digital media consist of audio and video. We can download and upload by online. For example

At last, I also learnt about the Google application and it’s infrastructure
                 “A series of application from Google” which is used to messaging,                  Talk and maps.
This is the last topic of information Technology and I got a  lot of knowledge which will positively effect on my Graduation study because building is built from the basic.

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