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Monday 24 June 2013

Information Communication Technology( ICT) and Information Technology (IT)

As the 2nd week started, our lecturer gave a brief about computer system and their uses in our daily life. We are using computer system in the communication technology (ICT).
ICT is similar to IT but refers to communication technologies. She taught us about information technology with its definition “a computer  base tool that people use to work with information and to support information and information needs in an organization.” 

she gave some examples of information communication technology like websites and multimedia.
 For the demonstration of IT, she explained its concepts
1.IT architecture

2.IT infrastructure’.IT architecture is a plan or map of information which assets in an organization, but IT infrastructure are physical facilities like ‘IT component ‘IT services’ and ‘IT personal’.

After that, she taught us about the ICT uses in our daily life. It uses in banking, business, science, health care, education and in government.
 In education, ICT uses in e-learning, equips computer lab and classroom with computer and projector and smart board are best examples.
 In banking, ICT use as a smart card, electronic fund transfer, electronic data interchange, E-banking and automated teller machine (ATM).
In business, ICT use by laptops, mobile telephone, e-mail, multimedia communication, database and e-business.


We learnt about the broad uses of ICT in our daily life and how it is interconnected with Information technology. I got wide range knowledge from this learning outcome.